Label: "stringency index"

Halott emberek testrészeivel kereskednek, és hatalmasat kaszálnak rajta
January 11, 2022 11:12

Hungary COVID-19 death toll over 40,000

Let's see how nations with the most fatalities in the world compare in other areas!

vásárcsarnok budapest magyar
August 27, 2021 16:05

Hungary awaits fourth pandemic wave hanging loose

We can only hope there will be no price to pay

maszk korlátozás védelmi intézkedés koronavírus járvány
April 18, 2021 23:55

Hungarian government substantially eases lockdown measures

Restrictions now looser than before 8 March tightening

korona oltás vakcina
April 13, 2021 08:30

This is why Hungary should not yet ease curbs markedly in pandemic

A lot more people need to be vaccinated first

Orban Viktor koronavirus jarvany kormanydontes szigoritas nyitas 210324
March 24, 2021 13:54

Hungary gov't to decide on lockdown measures in delicate situation

Here are the factors that could set COVID-19 trajectory of the next few weeks